Don't want to wait patiently for the rest of the series to drop? I got you.
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Related links and things:
Planting seeds and tending to what needed tending do.
18-19 travels and speaking via IG stories: enters the chat
Divine breadcrumbs with Naptime Empires on nbcnews:
More on the summer of 2019 stories and synchronicities:
Heartbreak and Rainbows post from 2015:
Oahu 2019 digi-scrapbook:
More on lazy Susan / recycle emoji metaphor:
📮 Thoughts? Qs? Requests? Share with me here in the comment box.
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(I'm obsessed. And an affiliate. >> 10/10 recommend.)
Hi! 👋 I'm Nikki.
...Elledge Brown.
Creator of the On Her Terms® universe.
Pro word nerd and mom of three.
I'm a creative advisor, coach, and strategist for entrepreneurial women who love their work, their families, and their alone time.
I'm also a military spouse and former park ranger and college professor with a penchant for almost excessive verbal processing. (You've prob picked up on that by now.)
After over a decade in business and momming, moving from my fave Hawaiian island to my fave Texas town, reckoning with and recovering from my own brand of #onherterms burnout, I've been deep in introspection + experimentation over here:
Got it. Not a dress rehearsal. What do I really want my life to look like? What do I want it to feel like? In each area of life, what are my terms for this season? When I get really honest and ditch the should dos and the have tos…what's left? What’s true? NOW WHAT?
This podcast is a space to track that journey, to share my field notes, to anchor in the stories and lessons my clients and I are learning along the way.
Join me here to refresh your OWN definitions of what matters most to you. Motherhood, ambition, fulfillment, creativity, relationships, inspiration, REST, success, community, and about a squillion other words and concepts that deserve thoughtful consideration.
Can't wait to hear your take.